To provide leadership, and promote quality and excellence for the advancement of New Jersey’s workforce development system and its customers and professionals.

GSETA Institute
The Institute was established to provide professional development opportunities to workforce development professionals, including frontline staff, supervisors, and administrators.
By utilizing top tier trainers, the Institute has become New Jersey’s leading workforce training provider, focusing on trends, strategies and best practices that further foster the continuous improvement of our members’ organizations. The Institute also coordinates breakout sessions and workshops for GSETA’s Annual Conference, with special emphasis on workforce policy updates, and system enhancements. Visit our Professional Development page for more information.
GSETA Committees offer workforce development professionals an opportunity to learn, share and innovate.
WDB Director’s Committee
A New Jersey workforce system that meets the needs of the business community and provides career-sustaining opportunities for job seekers.
Operations Committee
Sharing best practices and innovative initiatives for New Jersey's One-Stop Career Centers ensure effective outcomes for external and internal customers.
Youth Comittee
Workforce system partners work to ensure New Jersey's future - it's youth members - are being well-served.
MIS Committee
Metrics are a key part of the workforce system. This group looks at the data and system practices regularly to ensure understanding and adoption of best practices.
Fiscal Committee
The workforce system is funded by federal and state dollars, so fiscal accountability and accuracy are key practices to understand and maximize.
Monitoring Committee
Continuous improvement processes allow local areas to achieve compliance with State directives.
Professional Development Committee
Timely, relevant and cutting edge professional development opportunities.
Conference Committee
Leadership and exhilarating promotion of excellence to advance NJ’s Workforce Expansion for customers and professionals.
We offer a wide array of services aimed at improving your job skills and training
Professional Development
GSETA Membership
The membership of GSETA allows for each of New Jersey’s Local Workforce Areas to maintain representation.
All members serve as volunteers, and there are no paid staff. GSETA’s Executive Committee consists of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and three Trustees, all of whom are elected bi- annually by the membership.
Members of GSETA are, predominantly, the Directors and Administrators of New Jersey’s publicly funded employment and training programs. Included are the local Workforce Development Board Directors and the Administrators of various programs authorized under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the Workforce Development Program, Welfare-to-Work, Work First New Jersey, and other employment and training initiatives.